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How we can help you to enter the UK food supplements industry?

At Conella Holdings, we are a business with long years of experience in the UK food supplements sector. Well-known and widely respected for our knowledge and expertise within our specialist field, we have all the qualities necessary to make us the perfect partner for those looking to make a name for themselves in our industry.

That’s why we’re extending our assistance to you. With much to recommend us, here are just a few of the ways that we could collaborate to make your transition a smooth and successful one.

Sharing our marketing nous

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Launching a food supplement brand is no easy task, and one first has to lay the groundwork. A large part of this preparation takes the form of identifying your target audience and their needs, and this is one area where our consultancy service scan be invaluable. Vastly experienced in connecting innovative food supplement brands with the ever increasing multitude of health-conscious individuals – research suggests that 46% of Brits now take a daily food supplement – we can help you to target the right people so that your business venture gets off to the very best of starts.

Guiding product development

It’s not enough to identify a potential target market; you also have to develop a product that appeals to this demographic if you want it to take off. This is just one more way that we can be of use to you. Our studies suggest that the ever-growing popularity of food supplements is driven by the consumer emphasis on wellbeing, which is causing individuals to adopt a more proactive approach to their health. As a result, demographically positioned vitamins are increasingly successful, with those specifi cally targeted on the basis of gender and age especially likely to generate interest. Using the statistical and anecdotal evidence at our disposal, we can thus share this knowledge with you to better guide your approach to product development, and help you target the most profi table audience. One way in which we could help you to do this is by identifying trends relating to gender, such as the predominance of sales among female buyers, or the increasing health of the men’s sector, which saw a 29% annual rise in 2016. Of course, it is not only these trends themselves that are important, but also their catalysts, such as the prevailing attitude among men that they are simply At Conella Holdings, we are a business with long years of experience in the UK food supplements sector. Well-known and widely respected for our knowledge and expertise within our specialist field, we have all the qualities necessary to make us the perfect partner for those looking to make a name for themselves in our industry. That’s why we’re extending our assistance to you. With much to recommend us, here are just a few of the ways that we could collaborate to make your transition a smooth and successful one. not needed, or the higher incidence of women being recommended such supplements by a health practitioner due to a greater incidence of vitamin and mineral defi ciencies amongst females. Similarly, we must not ignore the importance of lifestyle trends. Men’s fi tness is one area that can be – and is – repeatedly targeted with success. In terms of the specifi c type of product that is popular, multivitamins are a certain mainstay, with 46% of adults taking them either daily or occasionally in the past 12 months, indicating that catch-all supplements are seen to have a handy utility.

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Each of these factors significantly impacts the success of product development strategies, meaning that they need to be on your radar, and this is where we can help. Able to takea predetermined target market sector, our team can not only review current opposition offerings, but also assist you in designing goods that are both commercially viable and priced so as to assure their popularity.

Product manufacture

One more thing that we can do for you should you choose to partner with us is manufacture your products. A supplier of white label goods, we have the ability to produce your existing branded formulas to UK standards, so that they meet ISO 9001-2008 and BRC quality management regulations where required. For those who operate outside of the EU, this can have the added advantage of enabling you to circumvent import duties and other fees. Such products can be fi nished any way you choose – whether as powder, liquid, hard gel or vegetarian capsules, or soft gel capsules – and packed in either sachets, bottles, blister packs or boxes, according to your preference. We can even take care of label design and printing on your behalf, thanks to the in-house team we employ for such purposes.

Producing and performing promotional materials and activities

As if this were not enough, our industry experience also means that we’re well suited to producing a wide array of promotional material to help promote your product and boost sales. Designed to increase brand awareness and highlight the unique and attractive selling points of your product formulations, we can use methods as diverse as emails, newsletters, podcasts, seminars, workshops, and website content to help you achieve your aims and see your supplement achieve unequivocal commercial success.

Regulatory guidance

Our expertise in our chosen field also translates to an in-depth understanding of industry regulations, which makes us an ideal partner for those hoping to break into the UK market. Able to prepare your products for regulatory approval, we can make sure that your supplement is fi t for sale within the country, and will have no problem finding its way onto local shelves.

IT support

To round out our collaborative efforts, we can offer on going IT support too. Working with a specialised IT affiliate, we have the means to deliver tailor made solutions to the challenges that the food supplements sector presents, from custom designed dispatch software to product tractability and recall functions, e-commerce website developments, CRM integration, and more.

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Syntol 20%

Syntol 90 capsules.


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