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According to ground-breaking research, shielding ourselves from electromagnetic fields could help to improve autoimmune disease. A novel study has shown that doing so leads to a significant reduction in symptoms in 90 percent of patients.

While concerns about electromagnetic fields have long been written off as pseudoscientific conspiracy theories, this latest research suggests that we can no longer ignore the risks to health posed by manmade electromagnetic radiation.

Electrosmog and its impact on autoimmune disease

Though worries over electromagnetic fields and the dangers they pose have long been viewed as misinformed and driven by pseudoscience, a publication in a peer-reviewed journal in 2017 has forced scientists to see them in a new light.

According to the research shared in Immunologic Research, concerns over this electrosmog could have some basis in reality after all. The article – titled ‘Electrosmog and Autoimmune Disease’ – focused on how shielding can help to counteract symptoms of the condition.

Interestingly, the vast majority of the electrosmog our bodies are exposed to is manmade (1). While natural microwave electromagnetic radiation can occur, via cosmic radiation and thunderstorms, for example, these atmospheric phenomena emit radiation that is not only inherently weaker but functions at a far lower radio frequency too.

Not only this, but we’re exposed to far less of this natural by-product. The prevalence of its manmade counterpart, on the other hand, is increasing, due in large part to our ever-growing reliance on television, cell phone technology, and Wi-Fi – all of which operate via microwave frequency bands (1).

According to the research published by Marshall and Heil in 2017, the release of anti-collision vehicle software and WiGog represent a 1,000 fold in frequency and photon energy compared to that experienced by humankind just seven decades ago (1).

Electrosmog and its impact on the bioelectromagnetic body

Unsurprisingly considering human physiology, electrosmog interacts with the human body, which operates in part via electromagnetic fields. In addition to its physical information superhighways, which include the blood, nervous and lymphatic systems, it also utilises electromagnetic forms of energy transmission (2).

Known as biophotonic emissions, this electromagnetic energy is 1,000 times less visible than our naked eye can see, but nonetheless essential to the functioning of our cellular metabolism and the powering of our energy-draining immune and nervous systems (3).

Contained within our genetic materials, these biophotons act as a form of instant communication between our various body parts, as well as the outside world (4). Influenced by our wider wellbeing (5), they play a fundamental role in the fabric of our consciousness (4).

What this means is that both our consciousness and the continued performance of our cellular energies is based upon a form of electromagnetism, which can almost certainly be disrupted by the presence of electrosmog.

According to Curtis and Hurtak, the electromagnetic body is distinct from the chemical body that interpenetrates it, acting as a light circulatory system that is markedly different from its molecular counterpart (2). The incredible amount of activity that takes place at this level, however, leaves the human body particularly vulnerable to electromagnetic disturbances (6).

Electrosmog exposure and immune disturbances

Current public health laws are based on the known effects of short-term exposure to electrosmog, yet according to research, dosage and repetitive exposure are also likely to have an impact on the risk this poses (7).

Indeed, two thirds of studies into the phenomena found that electromagnetic radiation has ecological effects, with evidence indicating that chronic exposure at the levels found in our environment can have an impact on the cardiovascular, immune, nervous, and reproductive systems, among others (7).

This means that while the conventional belief is that low-energy radio waves cause little to no harm, even low-level exposure to this ionizing radiation could have a marked effect upon our physiology and wellbeing (1).

In fact, ionizing radiation exposure is known to result in immunosuppression, with its effects so well documented that it has previously been suggested at a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, due to its impact on inflammatory immune messengers like adipokine vistafin (8).

Interestingly, this trend is not only seen in relation to ionizing radiation exposure. In research headed by Lushinov, it was also the case that repeated exposure to low-level non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation could have the same effect. While this study focused on mice as its subjects, the experiment nonetheless found that the immune response was impaired as a result.

In particular, exposure negatively impacted immunogenesis, or the ability of the immune system to react to an immune-provoking antigenic substance (9). Exposure also affected thymic and splenic cellularity, resulting in a notable decrease in the number of immune cells generated by these lymphoid organs (9).

A similar response was noted when the Aegean wall lizard was used as a subject, with immune competence being significantly reduced following daily exposure to a radiofrequency that equated to the same amount of electrosmog that is emitted by cordless phones (10).

In 2006, an additional study by Gapeev demonstrated that exposure to low-intensity non-ionizing electromagnetic waves had immunosuppressive effects that were equal to administering a dose of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ‘diclofenac’ (11).

In another experiment, exposing subjects to low-intensity electromagnetic radiation resulted in reduced footpad oedema and local hypothermia – aka swelling and heat – when used in conjunction with an injection of zymosan, a drug that causes acute inflammation (12). This suggests that electrosmog exposure could impair the body’s normal immune response to threats.

Human proteins and their response to electromagnetic waves

According to further interesting research by Marshall and Heil, electromagnetic waves could also have an impact on human proteins, in the form of biomolecules. Constantly in a state of flux and change, biomolecules are continually subjected to molecular collisions, which can be influenced by electromagnetic fields (1).

In the opinions of those who led this study, it is likely that signals one million times lower than those currently being used in research are sufficient to cause a notable change in human biology (1), leading to some interesting questions regarding electrosmog and its long-term impact.

Electrosmog and stress proteins

Also worth noting is that electrosmog – at both an extremely low frequency and in the radio frequency range – has been shown to stimulate a cellular stress response. This leads, according to studies, to an expression of stress-response genes including heat shock protein 70.

As a result, the body increases production of its carefully conserved stress proteins, whose job it is to refold and repair damaged proteins (13).

In a similar vein, heat shock proteins have been observed to up-regulate an immune response. The way they do this is complex and involves not only increasing activity among a certain class of immune cells, such as macrophages and/or dendritic cells, but also transferring antigenic peptides to the class one and class two molecules of major histocompatibility complexes (14).

An aberrant anti-microbial response

Further supporting this extensive body of research is another human protein, lysozyme, whose function can be negatively affected by electromagnetic radiation (15). An antimicrobial enzyme, lysozyme is released from cytoplasmic granules in our immune cells.

Found in human secretions such as mucus, saliva, breast milk, and tears, lysozyme degrades the glycosidic bonds in peptidoglycan, a molecule that is found in the cells walls of gram-positive bacteria (17).

A major contributor to bactericidal activity, lysozyme supports the removal of inhaled airborne microorganisms, so that these are prevented from colonising our respiratory passages and negatively impacting sterile gas exchanges (17).

Studies have thus indicated that reducing lysozyme levels negatively impacts the bacteria-killing abilities of the human airway, leading to a reduction of around 50 percent (18). Animal studies have also provided evidence that a decrease in lysozyme can be problematic for a host’s pulmonary defence mechanisms, resulting in a larger bacterial burden and greater morbidity (17).

In 2014, Turton and colleagues published an interesting study relating to this, indicating that lysozyme bonding to its ligand was impacted by non-ionising terahertz electromagnetic radiation. It was noted that this affected the biological function of lysozyme (15).

Although non-ionising terahertz electromagnetic radiation represents a much greater frequency than standard background electrosmog, this research nonetheless suggests that our immune defences are negatively impacted by repeated and cumulative exposure to electrosmog, with a knock-on impact on pathogen invasion and virulence (15).

Interference in vitamin D pathways

Also on this subject, there is research to indicate that vitamin D receptor (VDR) pathways are most likely susceptible to electrosmog (1). It’s worth noting that the effective operation of the vitamin D receptor is fundamental for immunomodulation, so where this is adversely affected, it can have a knock-on impact on our wider autoimmune function.

When vitamin D does effectively bind to its receptor, this leads to a waterfall of positive effects, from an uplift in gut barrier integrity through to the establishment of oral tolerance and the suppression of autoimmune responses.

However, according to researchers, the shape of the vitamin D receptor molecule can be impacted by electrosmog exposure – in particular, within the frequency range of Wi-Fi routers. This means that when the atoms that form the helical backbone of the VDR are exposed to these lower frequencies, groups of hundreds of atoms react by shifting together (1).

According to sophisticated molecular dynamics software, such an interaction could either promote or impede activation of the vitamin D receptor, dependent upon the frequency of both the molecular activity and the electromagnetic waves (1).

Electrosmog and its effect on human brain activity and behaviour

Interestingly, there is also a significant body of research to show that electrosmog can impact our brain waves and behaviour. All the way back in 1987, Bise published a pilot study that looked into the effects of exposure, finding transient changes to both, even at dramatically lower levels than those currently found in urban areas (19).

He reported the discovery of both constructive and destructive interference patterns, which he believed were down to standing waves within the skull interacting with bioelectric generators in the brain. He suggested the increases and decreases in electroencephalogram wave amplitudes in response to different radio wavelengths were evidence of this (19).

In support of his theory, there is further literature to suggest that cortical excitability is stimulated by electromagnetic field exposure, especially in the front-temporal regions. While this correlates with enhanced reaction times, it could also contribute to sleep disturbances (20).

What’s concerning is that the patterns observed in human electroencephalograms can be affected by wave amplitudes as low as -100 dBm (19). Demonstrating this, Bise discovered that he was able to cause an almost-immediate frontal headache at a level of just -60 dBm (19).

Sadly, these studies cannot be replicated by modern scientists due to the restrictions of our contemporary environment. That’s because, barring the use of a Faraday cage, the current electrosmog background levels in cities are now around 100,000 times stronger than those previously tested (19).

Silver-threaded EMF-blocking caps and their effect on autoimmune disease

Getting to the crux of the matter, recent studies have supported these assertions and provided further evidence for the theories outlined above. In experiments that saw patients don shielding clothing and tenting made of silver-coated polyester threads combined with bamboo fibres, a significant improvement in autoimmune symptoms was seen.

The clothing used was selected based on its ability to partially block penetration by electrosmog (1). Such a methodology was adopted due to anecdotal reports in which sufferers suggested that improvements had been seen when they were able to shield their brain and brain stem in such a way (1).

The study followed 64 patients with a variety of autoimmune disorders, including celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, and systemic lupus erythematosus. At the beginning of the research, many of those involved reported that they were both housebound and disabled.

Subjects were asked to wear their silver-threaded caps for four hours each night and an additional four hours during the day. Outcomes were collected via patient reporting, with many noting significant improvements (1).

Indeed, by the end of the study, 90 percent of those participating said that they had noticed a ‘strong’ or ‘definite’ change in their symptoms - a number notably at variance with the three percent of the population who are said to be sensitive to electrosmog (1).

There are some researchers who have attributed such electro-hypersensitivity – also known as idiopathic environmental intolerance – to a phenomenon known as ‘the nocebo effect’. However, Dieudonne, who has explored the potential existence of a psychosomatic mechanism, suggests that in many sufferers, symptoms appeared before they began to question the impact of electromagnetic fields on their health. He thus concludes that this is inconsistent with typical nocebo responses.

On the basis of this evidence, the researchers suggested that autoimmune patients are likely especially susceptible to electrosmog, including at levels ordinarily encountered in the home and occupational environments, and that this exposure is a contributory factor in their disease aetiology (1).

Electrosmog and mitochondrial dysfunction

Additional studies have suggested that electromagnetic fields may also act to disrupt the carefully orchestrated proton gradient and movement of electrons within the inner mitochondrial membrane (13).

Oxygen-dependent aerobic respiration can be impacted by this process, which in turn affects the production of cellular energy in the mitochondria. As these organelles are essential to most of the key energy-dependent activities within the body, this can have a very damaging effect.

In particular, it can impact the ongoing function of the nervous system, with electromagnetic field-mediated changes potentially affecting cognition, and even contributing to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Indeed, such EMF-induced disruption could play a part in many of the illnesses in which mitochondrial collapse is implicated, from ataxia and diabetes through to chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, liver disease, psychiatric disorders, heart disease, stroke, migraine headaches, and even neuropathic pain (22, 23).

Additionally, it has been theorised that electromagnetic fields may directly interact with electrons in our DNA, and could, therefore, impact the electron transport chain in mitochondria (24). Certainly, one study did find that exposure to pulsed electromagnetic radiation caused changes to this chain, including cellular hypoxia, increased oxidative stress, and adverse metabolic changes (25).

Cancer and electrosmog

Some of the most concerning studies surrounding electrosmog exposure have even found links between it and cancer. Although the mainstream consensus continues to be that electromagnetic fields do not contribute to the development of childhood cancers, an animal study did find a correlation between this type of radiation and malignant tumours – in particular, gliomas and schwannomas of the heart (26).

In light of these findings, the American Academy of Paediatrics (perhaps tellingly) altered their advice on EMF exposure in children, suggesting, among other recommendations, that phones are held away from the head, television watching is limited, and texting is used as a preferred method of communication where possible (13).

Also worth noting is that a 14-country study is currently underway, which will seek to examine the carcinogenic effects of mobile telephones and their electromagnetic output on the central nervous systems of young children and adolescents (27).

What we do already know is that electrosmog can induce DNA strand breakages, with previous research having shown that notable damage or changes to this can increase an individual’s risk of developing cancerous cells (13).

Minimising electrosmog exposure

While further research into these trends is undoubtedly needed, the body of evidence already collected is certainly strong enough to warrant caution. That’s why it’s worth taking a few simple steps to minimise electromagnetic field exposure.

To begin, Dr Dietrich Klinghardt suggests getting rid of cordless phones in the home, switching off your Wi-Fi, turning fuses off overnight, and investing in a sleep sanctuary or canopy that has been especially designed to minimise exposure.

Furthermore, he says that spending time in nature and grounding oneself are both beneficial in neutralising any toxic effects. Direct contact with the earth’s surface, for example, encourages an influx of electrons, which work to neutralise oxidative stress in the body (29). Studies have shown that such grounding can decrease the voltage imposed on the body by a factor of seventy.

When it comes to reducing your exposure to 5G and electrosmog more generally, there is no doubt that taking the simple steps outlined above can be beneficial, nor that the body is likely to adversely react to the presence of environmental electric fields (30).

Isn’t it worth exercising caution in order to safeguard your future health and wellbeing?


1. Marshall, T.G., & Heil, T.J.R. (2017). Electrosmog and autoimmune disease. Immunology Research.

2. Curtis, B.D., & Hurtak, J.J. (2004). Consciousness and quantum information processing: Uncovering the foundation for a medicine of light. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10(1), 27-39.

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27. Sadetzki, S.S., Langer, C.E., & Bruchim, R. (2014). The MOBI-Kids study protocol: challenges in assessing childhood and adolescent exposure to electromagnetic fields from wireless telecommunication technologies and possible association with brain tumor risk. Frontiers in Public Health, 2, 124. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2014.00124

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